The Warlords 2007

The Warlords


126IIBdirector's cut

Release Date

Hong Kong

Original Title

Hong Kong Title
The Warlords

Plot Synopsis

In the autumn of 1870, General Pang (Jet Li) stands high atop the city walls attired in official governor's robes. Peering down upon the site of his inauguration, he is filled with ambition and dreams. Pang has taken a path of no return; had he chosen differently, he might have been one of the heroes to later overthrow the corrupt Qing imperial regime and establish a new China. He could have changed the course of history...

But two bandits and a woman are responsible for changing the course of his life - they help him achieven his goals, but will ultimately be the cause of his demise. The two bandits are his sworn blood brothers: Zhao Er-Hu (Andy Lau) and Jiang Wu-Yang (Takeshi Kaneshiro). The woman who comes between them is Zhao's wife Lian (Xu Jingle).


General Pang Qingyun

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